Legacy of Black Beverages

Select icon and type stage name (in capital letters) sat11nov2:40 pmsat3:10 pmLegacy of Black BeveragesTalent NamesToni Tipton-Martin VIP LoungeShort Description Cheers with Toni Tipton-Martin as she previews and crafts a cocktail from her upcoming book: 'Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs and Juice: Cocktails from Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks.' Savor heritage in every sip!


11/11 2:40 pm - 3:10 pm

Short Description

Cheers with Toni Tipton-Martin as she previews and crafts a cocktail from her upcoming book: ‘Juke Joints, Jazz Clubs and Juice: Cocktails from Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks.’ Savor heritage in every sip!