Keepin it Gullah Geechee

Select icon and type stage name (in capital letters) sat11nov2:55 pmsat3:35 pmKeepin it Gullah GeecheeTalent NamesKardea Brown & Josh Davis Eats & Sips StageShort Description Uncover South Carolina & Georgia's lowcountry Gullah culture, known for preserving West African traditions. Savor Chef Kardea Brown's authentic Gullah dish, thoughtfully paired with Brown & Balanced founder Josh Davis' exquisite cocktail.


11/11 2:55 pm - 3:35 pm

Short Description

Uncover South Carolina & Georgia’s lowcountry Gullah culture, known for preserving West African traditions. Savor Chef Kardea Brown’s authentic Gullah dish, thoughtfully paired with Brown & Balanced founder Josh Davis’ exquisite cocktail.