Chopped & Screwed: Trill Burgers

Select icon and type stage name (in capital letters) sun12nov5:15 pmsun5:55 pmChopped & Screwed: Trill BurgersTalent NamesBun B & Touré Folkes Eats & Sips StageShort Description Trill Recognize Trill! Chef crafts the infamous Trill Burger as Bun B shares his Houston inspiration and journey from music to culinary. Toure Folkes of Turning Tables crafts a legendary Hi Ball cocktail to match.


11/12 5:15 pm - 5:55 pm

Short Description

Trill Recognize Trill! Chef crafts the infamous Trill Burger as Bun B shares his Houston inspiration and journey from music to culinary. Toure Folkes of Turning Tables crafts a legendary Hi Ball cocktail to match.